The Shadow: Radio Treasures CD Set

Due to licensing issue Radio Spirits is not currently selling The Shadow CD sets, these can most likely be found for sale on Amazon or Ebay.

1937-09-26 - The Death House Rescue
1938-02-06 - The Phantom Voice

1938-03-06 - The Bride of Death
1938-03-20 - The White Legion 

1938-07-31 - Revenge on The Shadow
1938-08-14 - The Hospital Murders

1939-01-01 - The Man Who Murdered Time 
1939-01-29 - Prelude to Terror

1939-03-19 - Can the Dead Talk?
1939-11-19 - The Shadow Returns

1939-11-26 - The Sandhog Murders
1939-12-24 - The Stockings Were Hung

1940-09-29 - Death in a Minor Key
1941-01-19 - The Shadow Challenged

1946-03-17 - Etched With Acid
1946-12-15 - Murders on the Main Stem

1947-06-01 - The Spider Boy
1947-11-23 - The Comic Strip Killer

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