The Shadow: Silent Avenger CD Set

Due to licensing issue Radio Spirits is not currently selling The Shadow CD sets, these can most likely be found for sale on Amazon or Ebay.

1938-01-09 - The League of Terror
1938-02-27 - The Plot Murder

1938-03-13 - Silent Avenger
1938-04-10 - The Fire Bug

1938-10-16 - Night Without End
1938-11-06 - Shyster Payoff

1940-10-20 - The Oracle of Death
1940-11-17 - The House of Horror

1941-02-23 - The Chess Club Murders
1946-04-14 - The Unburied Dead

1947-01-12 - The Cat and the Killer
1947-05-18 - Death Rides High

1947-05-25 - Seance with Death
1947-09-07 - The Phantom of the Lighthouse

1947-09-28 - Death Takes the Wheel
1948-01-18 - Death and the Black Fedora

1948-03-07 - The Beast of Darrow House
1948-09-19 - Revenge is Murder!

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